Are you a Healer?

healing Dec 14, 2020



Let me give you an example… how much do you make awareness a problem? You are walking down the street and you suddenly become angry. You quickly think of 5 reasons why YOU are angry and feel well justified about your anger and WHY you are angry.

That is what happens when you don’t ask a question like, ‘Wow, who does this anger belong to?’


Even though you’re a total psychic, you assume that everything that is going on ‘with you’ is yours. Your body is even trying to help you out by letting you know what’s going on around you! Feelings (what your body feels) is your body communicating with you.

My whole life I have been wanting to contribute to people and make their life better, without even acknowledging that this is what I was doing. A lot of it was contributing energy to people I cared about and taking the pain out of their bodies and psyche.

Whenever I felt horrible, I assumed it was me. Whenever I had a pain in my body, I assumed it was mine.

How do I know this was never mine? I have continued to desire to heal people and make their life better and realised that this is part of who I am. I am fundamentally a healer who often cares more about people than they care about themselves.

Once I began asking questions about what was going on (like what I was feeling, thinking or emoting) things began to change. The pain in my leg would go away or I ‘suddenly’ wouldn’t be paranoid or upset anymore or my mood would completely shift.

What changed? I was willing to ask a question about what I was aware of rather than assuming it was mine.

Acknowledging what is, is one of the keys to changing anything. If you fundamentally believe that everything revolves around you and you are not connected to everything, yep, that will create some problems for you. Your point of view creates the problem because you are buying the lie, not asking for what is real and true.

One of my personal favourites is making myself wrong and pathetic. Rather than acknowledge what I am capable of I will think I am the worst person in the world and nobody likes me. Sound familiar?

This is where Gary Douglas, the founder or Access Consciousness, saved mine and many other peoples lives by acknowledging that what you think is your greatest wrongness is actually your greatest strongness. Let me say that again…

Your greatest wrongness is your greatest strongness!

You think everyone hates you? Maybe you have a capacity with people far greater than you’ve acknowledged.

You think you’re the worst facilitator in Access Consciousness history and all of its future? Maybe you can change peoples realities far more than you’ve ever been willing to perceive.

You think you’re ugly, inside and out? Maybe you are beautiful beyond measure.

Your greatest wrongness is your greatest strongness! (Maybe it would help you to get a tattoo of this on your forearm?)

What if every time you ‘felt’ wrong about something you turned it around 180 degrees and asked, ‘What is strong about this that I am not acknowledging?’

‘If I was willing to be as potent as I truly be, what could I discover about myself here?’

90% of the strength lies in the asking of the question and the willingness to be aware of something beyond what you have already decided.

The awareness may come instantaneously or it may come in some years. But the choice you make for awareness will always be one of the most profitable investments you make.

Are you willing to have true wealth?

Or are you so wrong you would rather suffer than be aware?

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