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Access Consciousness is a different point of view about life. It allows you to change anything you cannot change and create everything you desire in a different and easier way. The aim of Access is to create a world of consciousness and oneness, where everything exists and nothing is judged.

Meet the creators

Gary Douglas (Founder) & Dr Dain Heer (Co-Creator)
of Access Consciousness.

Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing.

What would your life be like if judgment was just
an interesting point of view?


Meet the creators

Gary Douglas (Founder) & Dr Dain Heer (Co-Creator)
of Access Consciousness.

Consciousness includes everything and judges nothing.

What would your life be like if judgment was just
an interesting point of view?


Practical and dynamic steps for change

Access Consciousness provides step-by-step processes and tools to facilitate you in being more conscious in every day life and eliminate all the barriers you have put up to receiving.

Tools that actually work!

Delivered through classes, seminars and sessions, Access Consciousness is not about metaphors, ideas or sweet talk. It actually works!

Change the energy of the situation, and the situation changes

Dr. Dain Heer
Access Consciousness

What could you create in the world if you trusted you?

Shannon O'Hara
Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator

Don’t fight this reality, create a new one.

Dr. Dain Heer
Access Consciousness

What is stopping you is the unwillingness to live beyond this reality.

Gary Douglas
Access Consciousness

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